Wagner And Winick On The Law

And Now there Are Nine! Neil Gorsuch Sworn in as Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court



Neil Gorsuch's confirmation ends the longest Supreme Court vacancy since 1862 during the American Civil War, with the court down a justice for almost 14 months since conservative Justice Antonin Scalia died on Feb. 13, 2016. President Trump issued a statement that said, Judge Gorsuch's confirmation process was one of the most transparent and accessible in history, and his judicial temperament, exceptional intellect, unparalleled integrity and record of independence makes him the perfect choice to serve on the nation's highest court. However, to confirm Gorsuch, Senate Republicans resorted to extraordinary steps to overcome Democratic opposition, including passing new Senate rules that changed the number of votes necessary to confirm a nominee to 51 from 60. Join the hosts to discuss the contentious process that surrounded the recent Supreme Court vacancy and the possible cases and issues that will be coming before the new 9-member Court.