
230. How to Stop the Sugar-Anxiety Feedback Loop with Dr. Ellen Vora



Not eating the right foods for our unique bodies creates anxiety. This anxiety shows up as a felt sense of anxiety AND also “needing something more” to eat but not knowing what that is or a general feeling of being unsatisfied with what they just ate.To help us go into depth and teach us about this sugar-anxiety feedback loop, I’ve invited a holistic psychiatrist and my friend Dr. Ellen Vora onto the show. In this episode, we will discuss:Real and false anxietyHow and why sugar creates anxietyClean eating versus nutrient-dense foodsDr. Vora’s top foods to add in for reducing anxiety and sugar in one’s dietCaffeine’s role in anxiety and how to end your coffee habitJoin us for Freedom From Cravings LIVE at to meet other Insatiable listeners? Have a burning question about an episode? Want some free coaching from Ali on whatever you are currently struggling with? Join our free Insatiable community gathering on the first Tuesday of each month from 2-3:00 pm ET