Authentic Living

The Dark Nights of the Soul



Often the journey to the Authentic Self is a bit like losing your place. An identity to which you have held for years, even decades is diminishing. You can no longer say you are that old notion of yourself, but you can’t really say who it is that you are now. Worse than that, for some this amounts to a serious depression that may even include suicidal despair. For others it seems that life is meaningless, God cannot be accessed and the everyday experience of life is without hope. What is the purpose of this period in our lives or is there a purpose to it? Well it turns out that, indeed, there is a purpose to it, and not only that, but there is a way through it that brings you to the other side of the desert land a deeply evolved person. Are you experiencing a painful twist in your journey? Tune in and find out how you can make this into a time of enlightenment and, yes, even find joy in the midst of it.