Authentic Living

Dr. Judith Orloff on Second Sight



Today, another exciting guest, Dr. Orloff is the author of the New York Times international bestseller “Emotional Freedom” and the newly released “Second Sight.” She is the assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA where she also mentors medical students and psychiatry-residents-in-training. Dr. Orloff is about the business of transforming the face of psychiatry as she synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy and spirituality. She advocates for “a democracy of healing” in which every aspect of our being gets a vote in the process of total health and has been celebrated for her unique approach to mental well-being by proving that the links between physical, emotional and spiritual health cannot be ignored. And so today we are going to be talking to her about her newly released book, which chronicles her own challenges and triumphs in embracing her intuition and integrating it into medicine.