Authentic Living

How to Let Go



People say it all the time, right? You hear it almost every day: Let it go, man, just let it go. But what they forget to tell you is HOW to let it go. It’s easier said than done, right? If you are holding on to something, obsessed with it, ruminating over it, worried about it and generally upset over the whole thing, then letting go is going to seem like dropping from the top of the Grand Canyon. It ain’t gonna happen. We simply and profoundly will NOT let go of one thing unless we are holding on to something else. That’s why so many breakups are followed all too swiftly with another quick-start to a new relationship. We are just trying to hold on to something that makes us feel okay. We can tell ourselves we “should be okay” but we are just not. So. How to let go. That’s the topic of today’s show. Don’t miss it.