Mandy Connell

03-05-24 Interview - Andy Jung - The Fate of Laws Banning Content Moderation is Being Decided



THE FATE OF LAWS BANNING CONTENT MODERATION IS BEING DECIDED Florida and Texas both passed laws prohibiting internet platforms from censoring viewpoints they disagreed with and now the cases have been heard by the Supreme Court. Though opinions in NetChoice, LLC v Paxton and Moody v NetChoice, LLC have not been rendered, we're talking to Andy Jung who works as an Associate Counsel at TechFreedom, focused on technology law and policy such as antitrust, Section 230, and online privacy. He's written about both of these issues and after reading his work I've changed my mind about Section 230 and the protections it affords internet platforms. He makes the case here that moderating content is an editorial decision allowed under the First Amendment and it's very compelling. He joins me at 2:30 to discuss.