The /filmcast (aka The Slashfilmcast)

Ep. 654 - Station Eleven



Jeff is back and shares his thoughts on The Tragedy of Macbeth. David and Devindra attend The Sundance Film Festival virtually. For the feature review, the Filmcast watches Station Eleven, an HBO original series about a global pandemic.  Use #slashtag on Twitter to recommend a title for us to watch. Thanks to Mike C for building the Hashtag Slashtag website: Thanks to our sponsors this week: Mejuri, Netflix, Hello Fresh, and Theragun. Visit for 10% off your first order.  Listen to The Last Movie Ever Made podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts now.  Use code FILMCAST16 at and get up to 16 meals free.  Go to and get your Gen 4 theragun today.  Weekly Plugs David - DChen Office Hours Devindra -Engadget Podcast on the James Webb Space Telescope and Microsoft/Activision Jeff - Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only) What we've been watching  (~21:00) David - The