Nixon Now Podcast

Luke Nichter on the Nixon Tapes, Withdrawing from Bretton Woods, and the End of the Gold Standard



On this edition of the Nixon Now Podcast, we explore the Nixon Tapes, with specific focus on President Nixon’s conversations about how he attempted to avert an economic crisis in the early 1970s. On August 15, 1971, President Nixon’s shocked the world, again, a month after he revealed that he was going to China. He announced on national television that he would be ending America’s involvement in the Bretton Woods System, and ending the practice of backing the dollar with the precious metal, gold. Our guest again is Luke Nichter, Professor of History at Texas A&M Central Texas. He’s the nation’s foremost expert on the Nixon White House Tapes, and founder of Read the Transcript: Interview by Jonathan Movroydis. Photo: On August 15, 1971, President Nixon gave a televised address to the American people, explaining America's new economic policy. (Associated Press)