Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Journal Review in Hepatobiliary Surgery: Advances in Liver Venous Deprivation and Hypertrophy



For patients with insufficient future liver remnant (FLR) volume, adequate hypertrophy after Portal Venous Embolization (PVE) is associated with reduced likelihood of post-operative hepatic insufficiency. But what happens when PVE isn’t enough to obtain adequate volume prior to surgery? In this episode from the HPB team at Behind the Knife, listen in on the discussion about advances in venous deprivation techniques that can potentially increase resection rates and hypertrophy  Hosts Anish J. Jain MD (@anishjayjain) is a T32 Research Fellow at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center within the Department of Surgical Oncology. Timothy E. Newhook MD, FACS (@timnewhook19) is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Surgical Oncology. He is also the associate program director of the HPB fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.  Jean-Nicolas Vauthey MD, FACS (@VautheyMD) is Professor of Surgery and Chief of the HPB Section, as well as the Dallas/Fort Worth Living Legend Cha