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4 Steps to 4x Your Email List Growth Rate with Zach Swinehart



Zach Swinehart helps clients 2-7x their email list growth rate at ConversionWizard.co. His opt-in forms have driven over 100,000 subscribers for clients including EoFire, Amy Porterfield, Jonathan Fields, and more. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. In terms of the relationship between the e-mail options and revenue, more equals more. If you have more people who like you and who get value out of your content, then you have more people who are ready to buy your thing. 2, You don't feel the pain of people who didn't sign up. You feel the pain of people who ask for refund. You feel the pain of people who have some sort of problem with your content. But you don't notice the people who just quietly leave your website. 3. Even though there's not a burning fire, do it like do this because it is going to make a six or seven figure difference for your business over the course of your business. Free Mini Conversion Audit! (Regardless of your traffic volume) - Fire Nation Special Sponsors HubSpot Starting your year off strong and acc