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Nanshee: A proactive app for harassment prevention at work @ CES 2024



Yoline Eckly, the executive director at Nanshee, has introduced an application designed to tackle and prevent workplace harassment. Nanshee is a proactive solution that addresses the prevalent issue of workplace harassment, with statistics showing that one in five individuals experiences harassment.Helping mitigate harassment in the workplaceEckly and the company's founder have faced challenges in proving harassment incidents. Even when individuals capture evidence through photos or recordings, these forms of proof often face obstacles in court. Nanshee's application addresses this problem by providing a solution for both employers and employees. The application is designed to cater to all companies, regardless of their size. This inclusivity underscores the application's versatility and its potential to benefit organizations of various scales.Nanshee's application is a comprehensive solution available to all companies aiming to address workplace harassment. The application provides a secure and reliable plat