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Embryo Murder | Seven Mountain Mandate



Did you use contraception Charged with murder Sex without conception Charged with murder After her miscarriage Charged with murder Her embryo died Charged with murder She is not an evangelical christian She is burned alive as a witch She disobeyed the old white men She is stripped and whipped by them She incurs the wrath of old white men And the god they made to look like them They say god hates the destruction Of anything that looks like him The old white men force your child To stay forever in a frozen tomb Your embryo is not really yours No more than your vagina or your womb Old white men with bibles in their hand Their brains long ago given over to fantasy Their god hates anyone who dares take a stand Against their dream of dominating you and me Old white men with bibles in their hand Their childish world of devils and sky men They plan dominate this great land The Seven Mountain Mandate preacher men The Seven Mountain Mandate Google it, and see what you find It's a ma