Generations Radio

Repentance at Nuremberg - The Backstory of History



Judgement at Nuremberg. . . and repentance at Nuremberg. That's the backstory of history, which turns into the front story.--Nazi's in heaven----Jeffrey Dahmer in heaven----You and me in heaven----Only by the shed blood of the Son of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth could that ever happen. Will the evil -or good- works of man trump the works of God in history----By what worldview are you reading history-- Here is an engaging program delving into the souls of the Nazis at Nuremberg, from the perspective of an American pastor who was there.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -George Barna- -America needs spiritual renewal more than political majority-, COVID vaccine recipients had neurological, blood, and heart-related issues, Eight Christians attacked in India by radical Hindus---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson