
674: Where to get the best electricity grid carbon data in seconds, with Wenbo Shi of Singularity Energy



Occasionally on the anniversary of an episode that really impacted us, we like to run a vignette of something we learned from such an episode to give new listeners (or those of you who just missed it originally) insight from the excellent content in our back catalog, much of which we believe is worth revisiting.As GHG emissions continue to rise, the need to understand and effectively manage carbon emissions on the grid is crucial. Yet, a significant obstacle remains: most individuals and organizations lack real-time, accurate data on their carbon footprint, particularly in relation to electricity consumption. Traditional methods offer only outdated regional averages that fail to reflect the dynamic nature of the power grid, especially with more renewables being deployed. This gap in data is a limitation upon everyone seeking to mitigate the climate crisis from grid operators to individual consumers.Wenbo Shi founded Singularity Energy to resolve this issue once and for all. In this SunCast Soundbyt