Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

What Is Non-Duality?



If you've been traversing the realms of spirituality, chances are you've come across the term "non-dual" or "non-duality" and found yourself intrigued but puzzled about its meaning. In this enlightening video, you’ll delve into the depths of non-duality to demystify its essence. Explore how non-dual awareness can foster a profound shift in perception, unveiling a reality that transcends the limitations of the mind. Whether you're a seasoned seeker or new to the realm of spirituality, this video offers valuable insights into the transformative power of non-duality. Prepare to expand your consciousness and embrace a perspective that transcends duality, inviting you to experience the boundless unity at the heart of existence. Subscribe for more thought-provoking content on spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth. Explore and embrace your spiritual journey with Sandra and other group members inside Fiercely Spiritual Family: