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safe-living: Elder care powered by AI motion detection @ CES 2024



Aging in place is becoming more common, but it hasn't gotten much safer. One company that is tackling this challenge is safe-living, which utilizes radar-based technology to detect human motion and provide peace of mind to family caregivers of seniors. The device aims to allow seniors to stay in their homes for as long as possible by automatically calling for help in situations of helplessness.Smart home device for seniorsThe safe-living device is designed specifically for seniors who live alone or with minimal assistance. It consists of a custom radar system that can detect even the tiniest movements, up to a tenth of a millimeter. This radar system works by sending out signals and receiving the reflections, similar to how a bat uses echolocation. The device is capable of differentiating between human motion and motion caused by pets, ensuring accurate detection.The device operates by creating a mesh network with other devices in the home, allowing them to communicate and understand the movement patterns of