Plughitz Live Special Events (audio)

Veeo: Bringing back eye-to-eye communication online @ CES 2024



Veeo, a display product company, has introduced a transparent OLED display designed to enhance the experience of remote online meetings. The company's primary goal is to enable eye-to-eye contact during these meetings, replicating the trust-building experience of face-to-face interactions.Transparent OLED display for online meetingsThe product utilizes a camera positioned behind the transparent OLED display. This setup creates the effect of a clear glass, aligning all participants along the center axis and allowing them to view each other through the screen. The camera is strategically placed at eye level behind the display, ensuring participants do not have to look down. The height of the display can be adjusted, but the camera is located at the center point of the screen.The camera can achieve 1080p resolution, with 4K also possible but not necessary. Its specialty lies in its ability to see through the transparent display and eliminate distortion, reflection, and interference. The monitor has a pixel densi