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Snyper: Empowering communities through social shopping @ CES 2024



A groundbreaking social shopping application is transforming the landscape of affiliate marketing by establishing an equitable and inclusive platform for individuals to monetize product endorsements. The creators of this application, known as Snyper, identified the prevailing influence of major influencers in the existing market and sought to extend opportunities to all, encompassing friends, family, and community members, to engage in affiliate marketing.Social shopping app revolutionizes affiliate marketingThe application showcases a feed where users can peruse and observe products that their connections have purchased. This engenders a sense of trust and familiarity, as users can depend on the endorsements of individuals they know and trust. For instance, a user is more likely to trust a five-star review from a well-known acquaintance who frequently travels and stays at resorts, and consider booking the same resort.In addition to this, the application furnishes supplementary information about the product,