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AGIGA is tackling electronic component shortages and excess @ CES 2024



AGIGA is a unique marketplace designed to address the issue of excess electronic inventories. The platform serves as a conduit between industrial electronic companies, enabling them to sell their surplus inventories and purchase necessary electronic components.AGIGA is a marketplace for excess electronic inventoriesThe concept of AGIGA was conceived from the founder's extensive experience of 25 to 30 years in the electronic industry. He identified the significant challenges faced by electronic companies, particularly the substantial size of their excess inventories. These surplus inventories often lead to a revenue loss of 1%, which directly translates to a 1% decrease in profit.The operation of the AGIGA platform is straightforward. Companies with surplus electronic components send their inventory files to the marketplace. The platform then handles the pricing, considering the fluctuating value of electronic components. The proposed pricing is shared with the companies, and upon agreement, the inventory is l