Wine for Normal People

Ep 491: The Grape Mini-Series -- The Pinot Noir Refresh



Pinot Noir is a challenging grape. It’s hard to grow, hard to work with in the cellar, and the style varies drastically based on where it’s made, who is making it, and when it was grown (vintage).   We haven’t covered Pinot in a decade, so we decided to do a reboot on the grape mini-series and add all the new information and insights I’ve gathered over the last 10+ years since the last one. From clones to climate change, we give the full story on Pinot and talk about how no two wines are alike and the many reasons they differ. We cover the main growing regions in the Old World – Burgundy, Germany, Italy, etc – and the New World – California, Oregon, New Zealand, Chile, Australia and more – and discuss the style differences between the major regions. This show is packed with information (and it’s got my opinions too, which may not be yours…don’t be offended!). If you love Pinot, check regularly on for the Pinot Noir Around the World class, taught twice a year, and the Wines of