Wine for Normal People

Ep 492: Polly Hammond of 5Forests -- The Esteemed Wine Marketing Innovator Shares Trends We Should Know



This week, my close friend, web guru, and the best digital marketer in the wine biz -- Polly Hammond of 5Forests -- discusses some fascinating topics in wine. We have a great conversation about the state of wine marketing, it's disconnection with normal people (and reasons for it), and how there is more to some trends than clickbait would have you believe!  Polly is very different in the world of wine. She is actually a regular person, who understands how normal people think about and drink wine. She is the Founder and CEO of 5forests, where she works with wineries around the world to help them understand how to reach  normal people, and bridge the gap between the wine industry and the people it’s supposed to serve. If you love, it’s Polly’s work (and if you need help with a company web site, she doesn’t just do wine stuff, so contact her to help you). She is launching “Head Training” this month, her third podcast/web series on wine to help educate winery owners and others in the wine