Elder Law Report

Planning for Your Pet's Future: How to Create a Trust for Your Furry Family Member



Join me, Greg McIntyre, attorney Samantha Gordon, and her new puppy Winchester, as we tackle the heartwarming task of setting up a Pet Trust. It's more than just a legal safeguard—it's a pledge to ensure your pet thrives even in your absence. Together, we unravel the process of appointing a caregiver, earmarking funds, and detailing care instructions, so your pets maintain the lifestyle they adore. This is your chance to discover how to make your pet's well-being an intrinsic part of your estate plan, with wisdom sprinkled in from our own beloved pets and professional insights.Ever wonder if pets know they're a fundamental part of the family? Samantha, a devoted pet parent, blends her personal experiences with expert knowledge to emphasize just how vital these companions are to our lives. As elder law attorneys, we're passionate about integrating your furry family members' needs seamlessly into your estate plans. And there's a bonus: meet Winchester, the four-legged legal he