Sharp & Hot

Episode 110: Savoring Gotham



On a special episode Sharp & Hot, Emily Peterson is joined by Andrew F. Smith, the editor of  **Savoring Gotham: Celebrating the Making of the Definitive Companion to New York City’s Food. ** New York City boasts the world’s most diverse, fascinating, and ground-breaking food scene. Whether dining in iconic or trend-setting restaurants, noshing on vibrant street food prepared by new immigrants, or filling one’s basket at markets catering to ethnic heritage or gourmet aspirations, New York City’s opportunities for cosmopolitan eating are unparalleled.  New York also has pioneered solutions to complex issues, from launching farmers’ markets and tilling urban gardens be they in vacant lots or on pristine rooftopsto politically-charged battles over licensing laws, school food and soda sizes. Andrew F. Smith is a writer and lecturer on food and culinary history. He serves as the general editor for the Edible Series, published by Reaktion Press. He also teaches Food Studies at the New School University in New Y