Creative Pep Talk

375 - This 4 Part Creative Practice Plan Took Me From From Frantic to Focused in 15 Minutes



Listen and Subscribe on Apple, Spotify and more: Support the show at! TRANSCRIPT _________ SHOW NOTES Creative Summer School Series: Part Five Make Creativity Your Career: Six Exercises to Create a Successful Side Project - Andy's Skillshare Class Find Your Style: Five Exercises to Unlock Your Creative Identity - Andy's Skillshare Class Social Media for Creatives: Five Exercises to Power Your Freelance Career - Andy's Skillshare Class _________ CALL TO ADVENTURE Build your own funnel. Draw an upside-down triangle. Draw four horizontal lines, cutting the triangle into four horizontal boxes that get smaller towards the bottom. Strangers Substance Subscriptions Sales Add one adjective that describes your audience in each box - more specific as it goes down. You do not need to build this thing overnight - but what is the next step? _________ SPONSORS SHILLINGTON  Study graphic design with Shillington for 3 months full-time or 9 months part-ti