Animal Instinct

Episode 37: Animal Spirit Guides & Power Animals



This week on Animal Instinct, host Celia Kutcher is taking on the topic of animal medicine and spirit animals with guest Dr. Steven Farmer. Dr. Farmer is not only a shaman, but is also a licensed psycho-therapist, working with animal medicine while being an active writer and teacher. At the top of the show, Dr. Farmer explains what shamanism is and goes on to share his personal path to becoming a shaman. After initially attending a workshop, Dr. Farmer felt that becoming a shaman was his life’s calling. He goes on to share with Celia the concept of a spirit animal and how the natural world communicates with us if we choose to hear the message. After the break, Celia and Dr. Farmer discuss the differences between an animal spirit guide and a power animal and what to look for when deciphering possible messages from either. Tune in for a truly interesting show! This program was brought to you by Heritage Foods USA. “When an animal shows up to you in an unusual way or repeatedly, there’s something pretty specia