Animal Instinct

Episode 70: Vegetarianism in Animals



Animal Instinct returning guest Julia Szabo, a.k.a Pet Reporter, is inspired by animals in everything she does. A journalist, blogger and author, she wrote the acclaimed memoir “Medicine Dog” about how her canine crew motivated her to seek stem cell therapy for a chronic GI condition. These days, Julia’s combining her animal activism with her love of fashion and food to produce “Get Dressed Change The World” a blog all about cruelty-free vegan style. Check her out online!  Today their talking about vegetarianism in the animal kingdom, which animals are truly vegetarian and which ones aren’t. Tune in to hear a thorough discussion on the various diets from zoo animals to your pup at home.  This program was brought to you by Heritage Foods USA.   “Especially for older dogs, lapping up Vitamix-ed food would be such a special treat.” [33:40] “The stink factors – that is something that coconut oil fixes.” [35:00] –Julia Szabo on Animal Instinct