Animal Instinct

Episode 73: The Vet Set



The Vet Set was founded by Dr. Taylor Truitt and Dr. Eva Radke to bring the best veterinary care to your home, office, or hotel in Manhattan and Brooklyn 7 days a week. This week they’re in studio for a brand new episode of Animal Instinct!  Understanding that stress interferes with pets’ health, they have effectively eliminated the anxiety of a hospital visit by making home visits their business.    Offering preventative medicine, vaccines, diagnostic testing, health certificates, acupuncture, and hospice care with an easy to use app plus telemedicine make it more convenient to stay in touch with your veterinarian.  Tune in as they share more information about the mobile practice as well as highlights from their time out in the field! “It’s hard to remember easy to forget that our pets are very programed to be pets and to live with us in a way that they mask a lot of their pain, and dental pain is included in that.” [23:30] –Dr. Eva Radke on Animal Instinct