Animal Instinct

Episode 87: TALKING TURTLES with Wildlife Rehabilitator Patricia Johnson



Patricia Johnson is certified in reptile monitoring by the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation and a New York State Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator. She specializes in native turtles, with a particular interest in Eastern Box Turtles. In 2015 she was selected to be the NEPARC Fellow – Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science PARC/SSAR workshop. Patricia produces Turtle Intensives, semi-annual meetings to spark conversations and the sharing of ideas among those working in turtle conservation.  She has co-authored five award-winning books with her husband ( and lives in Yorktown Heights. They share their home with three parrots, four cats, and dozens of turtle patients at any given time.  If you would like to give a turtle a forever home, or if you would like to help wild turtles (or any animal for that matter) contact Patricia at, and she’ll talk you through the licensing process (very easy and you only need to be 16). Feel free to write her if you’re