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FlowIt: Transforming HR employee reviews and training @ CES 2024



FlowIt offers revolutionary B2B SaaS software that is transforming the human resources landscape. This software is designed to enhance people development and minimize attrition costs. It tackles common HR challenges such as annual reviews, surveys, skill management, succession planning, and the integration of learning and management into everyday life.HR software that reduces attritionTraditionally, many companies have relied on inefficient methods like paper-pencil processes, Excel files, and Word files to manage personal development. These methods are perceived as inefficient, painful, and disliked by employees and leaders alike. FlowIt recognized the need for timely solutions that are agile, engaging, and integrated into the workflow with minimal effort.FlowIt's system aims to make people development fun for users, engaging for leaders, and effective and powerful for the board and HR. By providing a user-friendly interface and streamlining processes, the software frees up time for leaders and HR profession