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LumosTech: Improving sleep quality by harnessing light @ CES 2024



A new technology has been developed by LumosTech that uses light therapy to help manage an individual's circadian rhythm, which is our body's internal clock that dictates when we feel sleepy or awake. Aligning our sleep schedule with this natural rhythm can lead to more restful sleep. Conversely, sleeping outside of these natural rhythms can negatively impact the quality of our sleep.LumosTech aims to address the challenges faced by individuals who work night shifts. Working a night shift can be brutal, and can be compared to flying to China and back in terms of its impact on the body. To combat this issue, LumosTech has created a night shift module that helps users adjust to their night shift schedule.Light therapy mask regulates circadian rhythmThe technology behind the light therapy mask is based on research conducted at Stanford University. This research demonstrated that short light flashes can be used to regulate the human circadian clock. The mask uses this light therapy to activate the photosensitive