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Lexilens: Breaking down barriers and transforming dyslexia @ CES 2024



A groundbreaking product has been developed to enhance reading capabilities for people with dyslexia. This product, called Lexilens, is a pair of electronic glasses powered by a battery and features active lenses that interact with the brain's visual processing, not just the eyesight. By adjusting and fine-tuning how the brain deciphers signals from the eyes, these glasses facilitate a more lucid and smooth reading experience for those with dyslexia.ABEYE, the company behind these innovative glasses, aims to address the challenges faced by dyslexic individuals in reading and learning. Dyslexia is a common learning disability that affects the ability to read, write, and spell. It can lead to frustration, low self-esteem, and difficulties in academic and professional settings.Glasses that improve dyslexia readingThe idea behind Lexilens is based on a scientific discovery made in 2017 by an academic at a university. The discovery highlighted certain vision mechanisms that cause crowding and make reading difficul