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Stacksync: Simplify data syncing, streamline CRM integration @ CES 2024



Real-time database integration has become essential in today's data-driven business environment, offering the capability to access and analyze data promptly. However, integrating databases with customer relationship management (CRM) systems has historically been complex and time-consuming, demanding extensive coding and development efforts. Real-time data integration has emerged as a revolutionary concept reshaping the business landscape. Leading this transformation is Stacksync, a company at the forefront of real-time data integration. The company's product allows for faster integrations and syncing of data, giving all aspects of a company access to crucial data they wouldn't traditionally have access to.Real-time data integration for CRMs: Revolutionizing business operationsTraditionally, linking a CRM with various databases and systems involved extensive coding and time-consuming efforts. Developers had to invest months in crafting intricate workflows to ensure seamless data sharing. This not only consumed