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myFirst: Real tech solutions for kids in a grown-up world @ CES 2024



In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in our lives, and it has become an integral part of our daily routines. However, the benefits and opportunities offered by technology should not be limited to adults only. Children, too, deserve access to real tech that empowers them to explore, learn, and create. myFirst has embraced this reality and developed tech products that are fully functional but designed for kids.The birth of myFirstmyFirst is a company dedicated to creating a kids' tech ecosystem. The inspiration behind this venture was the realization that there was a gap in the market for real technology designed specifically for children. The founders, who were tech-savvy individuals themselves, embarked on a mission to empower kids by providing them with devices, apps, and a social platform that mirrors what adults can do with technology.Kid-friendly camera with social sharingOne of the innovative products offered by myFirst is a kid-friendly camera with social sharing capabilities. This ca