After The Jump

Episode 57: Matt Armendariz, Kristina Gill, and Julia Turshen



This week on After the Jump, Grace Bonney is talking food imagery with guests Matt Armendariz, Kristina Gill, and Julia Turshen! Specifically, Grace and the cast talk about the Internet era, and how social media outlets like Instagram and Pinterest change the way that people see and interact with food. How do intellectual property rights apply to photographs of food shared on these sites? How has Instagram changed perceptions around photography? Find out all of this and more on this week’s edition of After the Jump! Thanks to our sponsor, The International Culinary Center. photo via photo via Epicurious “It takes a lot more work with the camera to get the photos that Instagram does. I don’t think one will replace the other. They’re complementary.” [8:30] — Kristina Gill on After the Jump “I enjoy Pinterest, but I’m not super interested because I’m more into creating the images.” [17:45] — Matt Armendariz on After the Jump