The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

This Is The ONLY Way You Should Offer A Discount! | Richard Harris - 1751



What's the best way to offer a discount to a client? Find out in this exciting episode of The Sales Evangelist Podcast. Host Donald Kelly speaks with sales expert Richard Harris about his new book, "The Seller's Journey," and dives into the intricacies of mastering sales strategies.  Richard shares valuable tactics around sales, pricing, negotiation, and creating win-win scenarios with customers. He also addresses the critical role of understanding procurement and highlights the importance of qualifying for discounts and leveraging them as a sales rep. Hear why you should pick up a copy of Richard's new book and how it can help you in your sales career. Richard’s Background Richard is a sales strategist and trainer with extensive experience in go-to-market and founder-led sales strategies.  He is also the author of the recent book, "The Seller's Journey," which encapsulates his decade-long expertise in sales. Earning the Right to Ask Questions Richard discusses his niche in sales training, wher