Adam Carolla Show

Craig Shoemaker on Cauliflower Ear & Gerbilling + Rick Thorne on BMX Tricks



Adam starts the show playing a clip from Loveline in 2003 featuring his former staff. He and comedian Craig Shoemaker then give their thoughts on sunblock, little league, and cauliflower ear. Adam also talks about a video from a fat convention in Seattle. The guys play a round of Hollywood Hand Me Downs featuring props from E.T., Sex and the City, and Fist of Fury. Adam shares a story from a recent haircut which prompts Craig to talk about a friend whose life was ruined from a gerbilling rumor. Next, Rick Thorne joins the show and discusses the evolution of BMX tricks. They both discover they attended the same X-Games competition and realize that Andy Dick was utilized for a lot of events back then. Next, Chris reports news stories about Arnold Schwarzenegger's watch selling at auction, a loose flashlight causing $4m worth of damage to a fighter jet, a viral fight at an Atlanta airport, Dana White’s latest press conference, In-n-Out closing in Oakland due to crime, and a New York musician holding a joint bab