Snake Oil/jim Ventura

Snake Oil Radio/ Interview w Megan Edge



Host Jim Ventura is professional Navigational Consultant. His expertise is in Astrology, Numerology, and many other types of oracles. He is the author of two metaphysical books. You can catch his YouTube channel (J Ventura Snake Oil), TikTok on Animal guides (Animalspeaks), and Instagram at Ventura words. Snake Oil is Jim's every other month blog column. Snake Oil radio is a both grounded and spiritual forum of a wide range of metaphysical subjects. Todays show will be an interview show. Halfway thru todays 1 hour show we will open the phone lines for questions for my guest. There are many roads to healing the heart and unlocking self-love but one of the most powerful is using oracle cards, divinatory cards that are used for reflection and personal exploration. Master Healer Megan Edge is the creator of The Heart's Journey Oracle Cards, inspired by her own journey to self-healing. The deck of cards is not only visually stunning but also holds the power to unlock hidden emotions, bring clarity to challenging