Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

#30: Action Creates Clarity



Show Notes Summary: My friend John, an entrepreneur, said to me years ago: Action creates clarity. I’ve passed this nugget along to many people who are just sitting on an idea, afraid to take action, worried they’ll get it wrong. Once you take action, you might feel like you’re stumbling or making mistakes, but what you’re doing is gathering information so you can adapt, fill in the gaps, improve, build and grow. I found the phrase actually originates not with my friend John, but with Peter Sheahan, in a book called FL!P. Sheahan talks about microplanning and overplanning, researching incessantly and planning and strategizing to the point where we're procrastinating and practically paralyzed. "[Y]ou can’t plan your way to greatness. There is nothing more valuable for your business (and for your life and career) than to do away with your commitment to microplanning everything and to let loose with some bold and courageous action" (29). I agree. It's time to do something. Write something. To take action an