Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

#75: Your Writing Platform: What Fascinates, Captivates, and Energizes You?



If you’re writing nonfiction, you’re probably trying to zero in on a category or topic that you’d like to write about and be known for. You’re trying to find your focus. If you haven’t already been exploring the possibilities by writing blog posts or articles, you’ve probably had some inkling. If not, look for clues. When you’re leafing through a magazine, what articles catch your eye? What do you rip out and stick in a folder? When you’re skimming your Twitter or Facebook feed, what do you retweet or share? What do you save to Pocket or Evernote? What Topics Fascinate, Captivate, or Energize You? Make a list of those fascinating, captivating, energizing topics—the ones you return to again and again. Once you’ve identified those topics or categories, you have some choices. For example, do you see a common thread that ties them together? If so, see if you can create an umbrella under which they can fall. Lifestyle bloggers do this, where under that “umbrella” they have categories on their website—buttons