Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 99: Submissions – To Get a Yes, You Risk a No



You’ve written something, edited it, polished it, and decided to send it out. Depending on your project, you’ll be shipping it off to a literary journal, magazine, agent, or publishing house. When you do, you risk rejection. You’ve probably heard about Stephen King’s rejections from his book On Writing. He says, “By the time I was fourteen...the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it” (29). You Must Risk a No to Get a Yes Rejection is part of the process of writing and submitting our work. Nicole Rollender says she’s gotten to know several poets through social media, and when she congratulated one of these writers on her full-length acceptance, the poet told Rollender "it had taken her five years and 80 rejections to get her acceptance.” Most people aren’t posting about their rejections, Rollender observes, so this story can remind us that "behind every acceptance are a lot of rejections." Lacerations of the Soul But I won’t lie to you—rejections hurt. I’ve