Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 101: Energize Your Writing by Memorizing Poems



My brother memorized the poem "Jabberwocky" when he was a teenager, and I thought that was so cool. At the time could not think of anything to memorize other than "The Purple Cow," so I decided to copy him. I memorized "Jabberwocky" with its Bandersnatch and the slithy toves and that vorpal blade. I thought I was so cool. Not long ago I heard Neil Gaiman recite it, and I thought he was so cool. So you see, poetry can be cool. It can be weird and funny and surprising. It can be serious, sad, and sobering. Poetry, if we let it, can seep into us and change us with its funny, surprising, and serious ways of processing life and ideas. My friends at Tweetspeak Poetry know this well. They invited people to join them in the challenge (and fun!) of memorizing poetry during the month of April. Sandra Heska King not only committed to memory "The Stolen Child," which was the poem the Tweetspeak community tried to memorize together, but she also continued wor