Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 130: The Simple Way to Clarify Your Content



You’re writing. Everything’s moving along just fine, and then. Huh. You hit a section that won’t flow. You write a line or two and it feels convoluted. Or you’re not sure how to best express the idea. Or something’s missing and you’re not sure what. Or you just stop, blocked. Try this. On the page—or on the screen, depending on where you’re writing—actually write this phrase: "What I’m trying to say is…” Then finish that phrase. Write, without stopping. Discover What You’re Trying to Say Finishing the phrase often: clarifies the complexity supplies the best words fills in the gaps clears away blockage Finish the phrase and ideas flow freely. By writing and finishing that thought, you discover what you intend to say, the message you plan to share, the idea you want to develop. If you’re plagued by a formal, stilted tone in your written communication, this phrase invites more natural expression—your writing voice emerges as you say what you’re trying to say in a st