Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 135: What Do I Write Next – Why Not a Series?



A few weeks ago, when I introduced the idea of how we can decide what to write next, I proposed several ways a writer can approach that decision. One was to write whatever’s next in sequence. Write What’s Next in Sequence If you’re writing a novel, tackle the next chapter. Your short story will need the next scene. A poem grows with the next line leading to the next stanza. An article will expand with another paragraph or section. If you write DIY tutorials, you write in sequence to show the viewer or reader what to do next in order, one step after another. The sequential approach can be a logical way to decide within an existing project what to write next. In those cases, the answer is often right in front of us. What’s the Next Action? A simple way to keep those projects moving along is to ask the question “What's the next action?” Answer that, and you often realize right away you must simply write the next line, the next stanza, and so on. This question is an essential element in David Allen's Gettin