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Perfect Memory: Futuristic corporate knowledge management @ CES 2024



Perfect Memory is a company that aims to streamline corporate knowledge by creating a well of easily accessible information for organizations. They work with companies to generate mission-critical knowledge that can be easily accessed by all staff and partners, making it easier for them to carry out their day-to-day activities.Perfect Memory: streamlining corporate knowledgeThe company has developed a knowledge operating system that fetches knowledge from various sources within the organization and brings it into one single context. This includes both technical and historical information, such as operational data, AI algorithms, scripts, formulas, and even media content like shots from movies or sports events.Perfect Memory's goal is to help the brain process and access information more easily by structuring and providing better access to it. It's important to note that AI is a valuable tool in achieving this, but it is not the only solution. The challenge lies in bringing all the scattered information from t