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Skyted: The Solution for Secure and Private Conversations @ CES 2024



During CES 2024, we got to take a look at the latest version of the Skyted mask, which is a sound-absorbing mask that allows users to make completely silent and confidential calls anywhere at any time. The mask has been developed to solve the problem of people talking loudly in public places, such as trains and airplanes, and disturbing those around them.Silent, secure mask for confidential callsThe mask features resonators developed by The French Aerospace Lab that absorb all frequencies of the user's voice, preventing any sound from escaping the mask.The purpose of the mask goes beyond simply preventing disturbance to others. It also addresses concerns about espionage and the need for secure and confidential calls. All data and voice emitted from the mask are encrypted, ensuring that no information is leaked. The encryption process starts from the microphone and continues through third-party carriers, providing a high level of security.The mask not only provides a solution for confidential calls but also en