

This week CJ and Eric and CJ did an emergency podcast to celebrate the first playoff win for the DETROIT LIONS in over 32 years. They dive deep into the concept of winning and losing and how we can learn so much from the process that the Lions have gone through... Success Takeaways  Keep showing up! Even if things aren’t going right, you can learn lessons that’ll serve you moving forward. Romans 8:28 Gain control in areas of your life that need developing. Be honest about your self assessment. Knowing what needs improvement is the first step of development.  Focus on what could be going well in your life. Feed your mind with positive thoughts! Always do your part in making sure you’ll be successful. Faith without works is dead.  What Makes Individuals Successful A Great System The Right Coach Winners Mentality Positive Community  Questions 1) Does your coach embody your value system? 2) Are you pressing forward towards what will develop your character? Patreon To check out exclusives and more b