Welcome To The Kennel Club's Get Fit With Fido Campaign.

Kathleen and Andrea Cauderlier with Cali



Get Fit With Fido encourages dogs and their owners throughout the country to get fit together.To kick-start Get Fit With Fido activity for 2015, we have planned a boot camp style event on Wednesday 21st January from 10am-2pm at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre, Edmonton, London.Exercising with your own Mr Muttivator costs little or no money at all and you will always have someone's wagging tail and eager eyes to spur you on. As part of the campaign we have a 'Slimmer of the Year Competition', looking for the dog and/or owner who have lost the most weight through exercising together.The Kennel Club’s Get Fit With Fido campaign is the only campaign of its type dedicated to both dogs and their owners and was developed to tackle the growing obesity problem in humans and dogs. Within the campaign, the Slimmer of the Year competition looks for the dog and/or owner who have lost the most weight through exercising together.