Battleground Wisconsin

Standing up to bigots



We discuss the latest state Senate Republicans power grab, their firing of Evers appointee and solar power advocate Tyler Huebner from the Public Service Commission, the state agency that regulates utilities. Was the sacking of Huebner motivated by his support for easing the energy burden on low income homeowners and renters? Were the big for-profit utilities behind it? Less than a week after the worst-in-the nation medical marijuana bill was introduced by Republican leaders, it was killed by GOP leaders. Does this mean they have given up on this as a way to protect vulnerable incumbents from fair maps? Meanwhile the Wisconsin Supreme Court received 7 maps last Friday and the Elias Law Group asked the justices to reconsider the state’s congressional map ahead of the 2024 election. Matt gives his assessment of which versions he likes best. Robert reviews the Iowa Caucuses, where that former reality show and wannabe dictator Donald Trump demolished his competition. While the national media gave its audience