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Triple4s smart pepper spray: Revolutionizing self-defense @ CES 2024



Self-defense has remained fairly unchanged for a long time, regardless of the advancements in other industries. For personal protection, there are a small number of non-lethal protections, but few of them are as effective as Mace. The problem is that standard pepper spray is only an in-the-moment solution - for now. That is where Triple4s comes in.About Triple4sMatt Rogien, the founder of Triple4s, introduced a groundbreaking innovation in the self-defense industry - connected pepper spray. This high-tech device, powered and manufactured by Mace, aims to revolutionize the way individuals protect themselves and notify others in emergency situations.The inspiration behind this innovative product came from Matt Rogien's personal experiences. With family members who frequently faced dangerous situations while commuting in South Side Chicago, Rogien wanted a way to ensure their safety and provide immediate assistance when needed. Thus, the brainchild of Triple4s was born.What is Triple4s?The Triple4s pepper spray