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Nutrix AG: Unveiling a game-changing cortisol sensor @ CES 2024



In modern society, one of the few constants is stress. Whether it's a big presentation at work, a growing family, financial concerns, or even a business trip to Las Vegas for CES, stressors are everywhere. Our bodies respond to this stress in a few ways, including by releasing certain hormones into the body. Being able to measure and track these hormones can help you track and properly respond to the stressors we live through every day. Nutrix AG has a sensor to do just that.What is Nutrix AG?Maria Hahn, CEO & Founder of Nutrix AG, introduces a revolutionary technology in the field of healthcare - cortisol monitoring using artificial intelligence (AI). She explains the game-changing nature of their Swiss cortisol monitoring sensor and its integration with their digital health platform.Cortisol is a stress hormone, and the sensor developed by Nutrix AG allows individuals to monitor their cortisol levels easily and conveniently. The process involves placing a small saliva sample on the sensor, which is then